
Showing posts from July, 2021

A lot has happened!

 I can't believe we are already nearing the end of July. The last blog post was in March and so much has happened since then.  Look at our lovely main lawn.  Students are now independently cutting the lawn and preparing the grounds for the upcoming wedding season.  The students are using a push mower and it certainly gives a really consistent cut.  Lots of manual labour but everyone loves a mow day.  Our very own Chalk Farm Hotel compost.  The students have sieved the soil from the compost bays on the allotment.  We have been adding to the compost bays with all our plant material waste and has been composting nicely.   More glorious soil!  This is going to come in handy for filling up the new vegetable beds being made on the allotment. Our fantastic garden team working hard on the compost bays. Seeds are coming along nicely.  We started sowing in the mini green houses.   The polytunnel idea on the allotment finally began back in May with the help of  Maria Godden's family.  The